The graduate program in Computational Modeling (PPGMC) of the Polytechnic Institute (IPRJ), Nova Friburgo campus, of Rio de Janeiro State University (UERJ), initiated its activities in august of 1995, with MSc (Master in Science) and DSc (Doctor in Science) programs.
The MSc course was recognized by CAPES Brazilian agency in 1996, in the following research lines:
- Applied Mathematics and Scientific Computation
- Porous Media, Thermofluidodynamics and Particle Transport
- Material Science
The DSc course was recognized by CAPES Brazilian agency in 2000, in the following research lines:
- Applied Mathematics and Scientific Computation
- Porous Media, Thermofluidodynamics and Particle Transport
These research lines represent a scenario where interdisciplinarity is stimulated and Computational Modeling enables the development of research involving several approaches of engineering, physics, chemistry, biology, materials, mathematics and computation problems, among others.
The MSc and DSc courses of PPGMC/IPRJ/UERJ obtained grade 6 in the last CAPES research agency evaluation (the highest grade possible is 7, and the interdisciplinary course with higher grade obtained 6), and receive grants from several brazilian agencies, such as CNPq, CAPES and FAPERJ (including a special grant supported by FAPERJ, called Bolsa Nota 10, for top performance students).